young entrepreneur

Girl Boss

My Story

Hi, my name is Quinn. I am a teenage entrepreneur and girl boss living in Saskatoon, Canada. I come from a big family with three siblings.

I have an older brother whom my dad helped start a company for. It was my brother and my two cousins. They were called the Grass Barbers.

They cut grass in the city we lived in. My dad rigged up their bikes to haul a trailer with a mower and whipper snipper. It was pretty sweet.

My Business Idea

A couple of years later, when I was 13, I wanted to earn some money and was trying to think of an idea for a business.

My Dad had some old VHS tapes that he wanted to put on the computer. That’s when the light went on… “Dad, let’s start a company!”

I knew there had to be more people like my Dad who needed their VHS tapes converted.

young entrepreneur business ideas
kidpreneur business

How I Got Started

That was it… I was going to be a girl boss and start a video conversion company! We started planning. My Dad already had a VCR we could use, so we bought other conversion equipment we needed and started converting.

My Dad trained me on what to do, and my first conversion was my Parent’s wedding tape. Of course, my Dad expected it for free, seeing as he let me use his VCR. I agreed.

My first paying customer was my Grandpa. He had way more tapes than my Dad. I did VHS conversion for about 40+ VCR tapes!

Shout out to my dad for the help on this website. He owns Zeal Media, a web design agency in Saskatoon. Shoot him a DM if you need a design.

I Got an Award!

I mentioned early that my brother and two cousins ran a grass-cutting business; they also won a Get a Bigger Wagon Young Entrepreneur Award! So, I decided to enter my business. Guess what? In December 2020, I won the same award! Watch the video clip here.

girl boss
business idea for kids

What's Happening Now

The business has been going well, but there’s always room for growth. I realized that there were lots of people who had other requests… so we started buying more equipment.

I still convert VHS but also convert VHS-C, MiniDV, Hi8/Video8, and scan photos, negatives, and slides. I even convert audio CDs, cassettes, and records! Need a project archived digitally?