VHS to Digital

VHS to digital conversion

What are VHS Tapes?

So, you know those VHS tapes that our parents used to watch movies on? Yeah, they were pretty cool back in the day, but there’s a problem with them. The thing is, VHS tapes can’t really last forever.

It’s kind of sad, really. You see, VHS tapes work by using magnets to store information, but over time those magnets can start to lose their power. That means that if you try to watch an old VHS tape that hasn’t been taken care of properly, it might look all fuzzy or distorted.

Some experts say that VHS tapes can lose up to 20% of their quality after just 10-25 years! That’s not too great, right? That’s why you should consider VHS to digital transfer.

VHS to Digital Service

Have you got old VHS tapes with precious memories that you don’t want to lose? Well, no worries! With our VHS to digital service, you can save them forever! We’ll transfer your old VHS tapes into digital formats that will last for a long time, so you can relive those special moments whenever you want. You won’t have to worry about damage or degradation of your tapes anymore. So, convert your VHS tapes to digital now and keep those memories safe for generations to come!

VHS to Digital Converter

Forget wasting money on a VHS to digital converter that you’ll only use once. Save your money and time and have us transfer the VHS tapes for you!

VHS to Digital

How Much to Convert VHS to Digital?


One hour minimum. Price estimate is based on time of converted video. Use our handy conversion estimate calculator below.


Have your converted files backed up to a USB thumb drive for safe keeping. Viewable in computers, laptops and most modern DVD players, TVs and video game consoles.


We will upload your converted video files into the cloud and send you a link to download to your computer. Great option for sharing.


Need your video edited? We will crop out commercials, add music, titles and various clips into a home video as needed.

VHS to Digital Calculator

*Conversion cost is always based on actual converted video time. The calculator above is for a rough estimate of what you can expect.

Sit back on your chesterfield and relax as we bring your memories back to life!